Post-ETTC Announcements

Dear friends and members of EASTRS,

Yesterday evening we closed our biennial ETTC at Sagunto, and it was such a joy to meet many of you in beautiful Spain! I am writing this while still in Valencia, where some of us did a little visit today. Thanks a lot once more to the entire team of the Campus Adventista de Sagunto, and especially the Facultad de Theología! (A report on the conference may follow after some time.)

This short newsletter is just to announce the most important news connected with EASTRS and ETTCs:

  1. Next ETTC. The next ETTC will take place in Maruševec, Croatia, at Adriatic Union College (Adventističko teološko visoko učilište), from March 17 to 21, 2027.
  2. New President. Tihomir Lazić handed over the presidency to László Szabó. Thank you very much for your leadership, Tihi, and welcome, László, to your new role!
  3. New President-elect. According to our constitution, the president-elect will be part of the executive committee and take over at the next ETTC. We elected Ivan Milanov, who teaches at Newbold College.
  4. Webmaster. We are still looking for a webmaster. It is not a difficult task, and your advantage will be that whatever your career stage, you are in a leadership team at a level where otherwise you only find the leading European Adventist theologians. If you think you could be part of the team, write me:
  5. Spes Christiana. The next issue of Spes Christiana is online now (almost entirely). It is the 2024 issue, which was delayed a bit for various reasons (and therefore is available to everyone, regardless of membership status). It is an extra long issue though, so enjoy!
  6. NT / OT / ST / PT groups. We had great meetings on Sabbath afternoon with colleagues who share our areas of research and teaching (Church historians joined the Systematic Theology group). Several meetings initiated WhatsApp groups for easier future communication. If you have not been able to join these WhatsApp groups, please feel free to contact anyone from your specialization and get the link! (Or me, and I will forward.) Some project ideas have already arisen from these meetings, and the groups will no doubt help facilitate progress in these projects.
  7. News from the institutions. Please continue sending us relevant news from your institutions. New publications, projects, conferences, deaths, job adverts, new colleagues, etc.

Looking forward to meeting many of you in two years (sub conditione jacobea), or even earlier! May the Lord bless you all.

Warmest greetings,

Stefan Höschele

Spes Christiana volume 35, 2024

Please note that the most recent issue of Spes Christiana on this site is only accessible for registered members of EASTRS who are up-to-date with their dues.

Register your membership here: Apply for membership

Pay your due here: Pay for membership

Spes Christiana 35

Table of Contents Download


Laurence Turner & Paul B. Petersen
pp. 3–4


Adventist Theology: A Shared Responsibility

Reinder Bruinsma

doi: [will follow]  Download
pp. 5–26

doi: [will follow]  Download

pp. 143–162


Kendra Haloviak Valentine
doi: [will follow]  Download

pp. 163–177

Book Reviews