Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution of The European Adventist Society of Theology and Religious Studies


The name of this organisation shall be the European Adventist Society of Theology and Religious Studies (EASTRS), hereinafter referred to as the SOCIETY.


The SOCIETY is a European professional non-profit organisation, independent of any other existing theological societies. It shall foster biblical and theological studies and provide intellectual and social fellowship among its members. It shall encourage scholarly pursuits in all the theological and religious studies disciplines, particularly with reference to the Seventh-day Adventist tradition. Specific goals of the SOCIETY are to:

  1. Promote sound biblical scholarship and encourage research;
  2. Facilitate the publication of academic theological literature;
  3. Interact with Bible scholars and theologians beyond the Seventh-day Adventist tradition;
  4. Foster dialogue among Adventist theologians in Europe and beyond;
  5. Facilitate exchanges between the different Adventist institutions in Europe;
  6. Maintain a directory of Adventist scholars in theology and religious studies in Europe;
  7. Circulate information concerning publications of its members, research projects, etc.;
  8. Publish information in a regular newsletter; and
  9. Supervise the organisation of the European Theology Teachers Convention/General Meeting in consultation with the Euro-Asia Division (ESD), Inter-European Division (EUD), and Trans-European Division (TED).


Membership of the SOCIETY is open to Adventist scholars with a master’s or doctoral degree from one of the three European regions of the Adventist church: ESD, EUD, TED, and for historical reasons in the Middle East region. Individual membership can be granted by the Executive Committee upon invitation or upon request. This includes doctoral candidates. Dues, in an amount recommended in advance by the Executive Committee and accepted by a majority vote during the General Meeting, shall be payable at the time of the General Meeting through the bank account of the Society. Members whose dues are currently paid shall be entitled to full rights of participation in all events sponsored by the SOCIETY until the beginning of the next General Meeting.


The SOCIETY shall facilitate a General Meeting at the time of the European Theology Teachers Convention (ETTC). It could hold other meetings as may be called by the Executive Committee. The venue of the ETTC should be recommended by the Executive Committee and accepted by a majority vote during the General Meeting. Institutions willing to host and to organize the ETTC should submit their candidacy to the Executive Committee two months before the General Meeting preceding the ETTC they wish to host. It should include: the place of the meeting, the theme of the convention and a tentative budget (estimated cost for every participant).


The officers shall be President, President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Webmaster/Editor. The President-elect shall succeed to the office of President. At each General Meeting a new President-elect shall be elected and other vacancies in the Executive Committee shall be filled. The Secretary/Treasurer and the Webmaster/Editor shall hold continuous appointment unless a change is recommended by a majority vote of the Executive Committee or the Nominating Committee. Officers shall assume their positions at the end of the General Meeting and shall hold office until the end of the next General Meeting. 


At each General Meeting a Nominating Committee of five members shall be elected by secret ballot from among ten nominees named from the floor. The members of the Nominating Committee shall choose one of its members to serve as the Nominating Committee chair. The Nominating Committee shall present one candidate for each vacant office. If possible, the Nominating Committee shall attempt to maintain a balance of disciplines, of genders and of geographical representations within the Executive Committee. Officers shall be selected by a simple majority of members present and voting. The Nominating Committee stays in function for the duration of the General Meeting.


The Executive Committee shall consist of the three officers, plus the Webmaster/editor. The SOCIETY may establish other standing and ad hoc committees.


Proposals to amend this constitution shall be circulated by the Executive Committee to the SOCIETY members at least thirty days before the date of the meeting at which action is expected. Approval shall require a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at any such meeting.

Voted: Founding Assembly, Friedensau, April 20, 2017

Bylaws of The European Adventist Society of Theology and Religious Studies


The office for the SOCIETY is Friedensau. In an emergency, the executive committee may change the location of the principal office on a temporary basis.


The President shall:

  1. Provide active leadership in the implementation of the stated objectives, goals, and purposes of the SOCIETY and shall be the recognised spokesperson for the SOCIETY;
  2. Preside at all business meetings of the SOCIETY and meetings of the Executive Committee, except when he/she shall delegate this responsibility, for single occasions, to the President-elect;
  3. Originate or approve all publicity concerning the SOCIETY; and
  4. Present the Keynote Address at the General Meeting.


The President-elect shall:

  1. Serve on the Executive Committee;
  2. Act in place of the President in the absence of the President; and
  3. Initiate and monitor the planning of the programme of the General Meeting in collaboration with the organising institution.


The Secretary/Treasurer shall:

  1. Provide for the maintenance and safe-keeping of all records of the Society, including a membership list, financial records, minutes, General Meeting proceedings, and all Society publications;
  2. Arrange for the preparation of such reports and records as the Executive Committee shall request;
  3. Work in conjunction with the Webmaster/Editor to report official actions to members within ninety days after their enactment at any duly called meeting;
  4. Work in conjunction with the Webmaster/Editor to send notices of meetings to members not less than five months in advance;
  5. Make available programmes and tentative agendas to members at the beginning of the General Meeting;
  6. Provide for the banking and accounting of SOCIETY funds; and
  7. Serve as secretary of the Executive Committee.


The Webmaster shall:

  1. Serve on the Executive Committee;
  2. Be responsible for editing and publishing at least two newsletters for posting to SOCIETY Members each year; and
  3. Solicit news items pertinent to the interests of the SOCIETY and include them in a newsletter to appear within ninety days after the General Meeting and not less than five months before the General Meeting.


The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the general planning and execution of all matters of concern to the Society between its General Meetings.


Proposals to amend these bylaws shall be circulated by the Executive Committee to the members at least thirty days before the date of the meeting at which action is expected. Approval shall require a majority vote of the members present and voting at any such meeting.

Voted: Founding Assembly, Friedensau, April 20, 2017

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