Event: ETTC 2025

Dates: March 19-23, 2025

Host: Sagunto Adventist College, Valencia, Spain

Conference Theme

Re-Envisioning Church in a Digital Age: Theological, Missiological, and Educational Reflections



As the rapid digital and technological revolution continues to reshape our world, the church faces both challenges and opportunities in navigating this transformation. This call for papers invites educators, scholars, practitioners, and thought leaders to explore how theological, missiological, and educational perspectives can inform and guide the church’s response to the evolving digital context. We seek contributions that critically examine the implications of digital technology for ecclesial identity, community dynamics, mission strategies, and educational practices. By engaging with contemporary cultural and theological trends, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of how the church can thrive in a digital age while remaining rooted in its core beliefs and values.

Call for Papers

We invite submissions for papers (presentations and posters) in the following areas of research:

A. Theological Reflections

  • Redefining ecclesial identity and community in the digital age.
  • Theology of presence and embodiment in online worship.
  • How online platforms facilitate new forms of relationality in church communities.
  • Ethical challenges of integrating digital technology into church leadership and discipleship.
  • Redefining local and global expressions of the church in a digitally connected world.
  • Impact of digital transformation on theological methods and research frameworks.
  • Exploring new SDA emphases and identity in a digital context.
  • Theological insights into AI, transhumanism, and their implications for human identity.

B. Missiological Reflections

  • Advancing mission through online and hybrid church models.
  • Adapting structures for mission in digital spaces.
  • Enhancing inclusion and accessibility for marginalised individuals in digital worship.
  • Engaging mission in post-text, post-truth, and post-Christian cultures through digital platforms.

C. Educational Reflections

  • Integrating new technologies into Adventist curricula.
  • The role of AI in shaping Adventist educational content and methods.
  • Examining the future of educational institutions in a digital age.
  • Impact of homeschooling and fundamentalism on Adventist education.

*Suggested topics are welcome, but additional subjects related to the theme will be considered.

Presentation Formats

  • Presentations: 30-minute presentations (approx. 3,500 words) with time for questions and discussion.
  • Posters: Presented at a specific time during the meeting with time for Q&A.

Submit Proposals:

Submission Deadline: December 31, 2024
Notifications: January 2025

Program Overview

March 19 (Wednesday)
08:00 – 13:00: Arrival and registration
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 18:00: Cultural Visit to Valencia (Las Fallas Feast)
19:00 – 20:00: Dinner
20:30: Opening ETTC
21:30: Rest

March 20 (Thursday)
07:30 – 08:30: Breakfast
09:00 – 13:30: Plenaries and Workshops
13:30 – 14:30: Lunch
15:00 – 19:00: Plenaries and Workshops
19:00 – 20:00: Dinner
20:30: Closing Reflection
21:30: Rest

March 21 (Friday)
07:30 – 08:30: Breakfast
09:00 – 13:30: Plenaries and Workshops
13:30 – 14:30: Lunch
15:00 – 18:00: Visit to Sagunto / Sabbath Preparation
19:00 – 20:00: Dinner
20:30: Closing Reflection
21:30: Rest

March 22 (Sabbath)
07:30 – 08:30: Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00: Plenaries
11:30 – 12:30: Sermon
13:30 – 14:30: Lunch
16:00 – 18:00: Group Discussions (OT, NT, ST, PT, etc.)
18:00 – 19:00: Declaration of the Convention
19:00 – 20:00: Dinner
20:30 – 21:30: Concert and Closing of ETTC
22:00: Rest

March 23 (Sunday)
07:30 – 08:30: Breakfast
08:30: Departure
(Optional) 9:00 – 13:00: Visit to Caves of St. José


Registration opens in October 2024.

For inquiries, please contact:

For further details, visit the official event website hosted by Sagunto Adventist College:

Student Essay Competition

We are delighted to announce the first European Adventist of Society of Theology and Religious Studies student essay competition. The competition is open to those studying theology or religious studies at university or college.

The winning students will have their essays published in Spes Christianathe flagship academic journal of European Adventism. Some winners will also have the opportunity to present their work to the members of EASTRS at their meeting in Budapest, Hungary in 2023.

This is an amazing opportunity for a young scholar to take part in the European Adventist academic community, both through publishing and networking.

The essay should relate to the topic of tensions, conflicts and wars in the Bible, church and society. This topic can be broadly interpreted.

The Executive board members will shortlist and judge the entries. The editors of Spes Christiana might require some changes to the essay to make it suitable for publication.

Any questions about this competition can be sent to

Submission requirements

  • Essays should be approximately 2500 words (excluding footnotes).
  • The essay should be academic in tone and style, suitable for academic publication. Do not submit a blog post, sermon.
  • The student must have written the essay themself, and follow accepted academic practice for usage of sources and authorship.
  • The paper can be submitted in English, French or German.
  • The submission must not be under consideration for publication anywhere else.
  • The deadline is 1 February 2023.


To qualify for entry, the student must be associated with the Adventist church, must be a student at an Adventist or public university or college (not high school), and they should be studying one of the fields that fall under the purview of EASTRS (e.g. theology, religious studies, biblical studies, archaeology).

The student must live or study in one of the countries in Europe (broadly taken to be any country in the TED, EUD or ESD). If in doubt whether you qualify, contact

Students cannot be doing a doctorate, they should be enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree (or equivalent).


To participate in this competition, contact with the following information:

  • Name
  • Title of paper
  • Short summary/abstract (<100 words)
  • Country of residence
  • University/College
  • Degree and current year of study
  • And, of course, the paper!


Call for Papers 2023 ETTC

The upcoming European Theology Teachers Convention will be organised 22–26 March 2023. The Hungarian Adventist Theological College will be hosting the conference in Budapest.

We expect to be able to hold the conference in-person, but the Covid-19 pandemic may necessitate contingency plans that will be developed and communicated as the situation and needs dictate.

The theme for the conference will be:

Tensions, Conflicts, Wars: ‘Storms’ in the Bible, Church & Society

We are living in a world burdened with tensions, conflicts, and wars. Ethnic, cultural and religious ‘storms’ are also found in the Bible. They were part of the experience of the people of God in the Old Testament and in the early church times likewise. Adventism in the 21st century also faces tensions and conflicts on number of horizons, whether theological, ethical, church political, cultural or pastoral – both on local and global levels.

We are inviting papers from the area of biblical studies, theology (including missiology, ecclesiology, eschatology), anthropology, epistemology, pastoral theology, religious history, ecology, ethics, social justice (possibly including gender studies, critical race theory, postcolonial studies), and societal conflict.


Papers proposals should have a working title and not exceed 200 words in length. The deadline for submission is 30 September 2022. Proposals should be sent to Richard Michelisz ( in MS Word format. Notifications regarding proposals will go out in October 2022. Presenters are limited to thirty minutes for presentation (approximately 3,500-words), with additional time for questions and discussion of the paper.